Introduction to 6 Meters
by Donn Baker, WA2VOI

6 Meter DXpedition
by Matt Holden, K0BBC
(Image on top right froze at the outset, so just ignore)

6 Meter EME 
by Tim Blank, N0TB

by Rich Waryan, KB0FJB

Radio Direction Finding
by Art Rew, N0EX

VHF Contesting
by Jon Platt, N0ZQ

Getting Started & Having Fun on 50MHz and Above
by Janice Hoettels, KA9VVQ and Bruce Richardson, W9FZ

by Dale Henninger, W0DHZ

Go Boxes
by Ralph Bierbaum, N0AWN

Progation/Space Weather
by Steve Horesji, KE0VDC

A Gentle Intro to HF
by Steve Horesji, KE0VDC

by Karl Kulp, AE0DL

HF Digital Modes
by Brent Petit, WG0A

Remote HF
by Patrick Tice, WA0TDA

ARRL Forum at the MN State Convention
by Bill Lippert AC0W, Bill Mitchell AE0EE, and Lynn Nelson W0ND
Opening Remarks by Convention Chair Mike Miller, N0NY 

We are working on these presentations:

Satellite /ISS Communication
by Mark Johns, K0JM

by the Team from TCRC…
Art Johnson, WB0JMG; Walt Richie, KD0XT; and Richard Hunt, W0KFG

by Ryc Lyden, KD0ZWM

by Erik Westgard, NY9D