Minnesota Amateur Radio Consortium (MN-ARC) invites you to support us as we bring you the conference and education tools outlined in our purpose. The link below will take you to PayPal. Twin City FM Club, Inc, (a 501(c)(3)) is temporarily the managing organization for MN-ARC and will forward all donations to MN-ARC when we complete the process of becoming a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Thank you for your support.
The purpose of this corporation is to provide a mechanism for all Minnesota organizations of amateur-radio interest to communicate and cooperate with each other, to sponsor state and regional meetings and to encourage and train the next generation of amateur radio hobbyists, by:
- developing and encouraging sharing of information and practices among organizations,
- providing a listing of topics, demonstrations, presentations, and speakers for members to use in their club meetings,
- conducting an annual seminar to educate existing amateur radio hobbyists and develop interest for the amateur radio hobby,
- assisting in the development of amateur radio clubs for education institutions in the State of Minnesota; and
- assisting in the development of amateur radio specific STEM curriculum/topics.